墨尔本公司招聘销售助理 (full time)最后更新时间:2018-3-24 15:12 409人阅读
详细信息:Imaca Pty Ltd (Neopower solar hot water) a leading solar hot water and LED lighting manufacturer based in Scoresby, Victoria and servicing customers throughout Australia. We have been in the market over 9 years and have excellent reputation in the industry.
Due to this recent growth, we are looking for a Sales Assistant to work in the company. Please submit your recent CV to info@neopower.com.au, subject: Resume- Sales Assistant Sales Assistant 销售助理 1名 主要职责: 和供应商,客户交流沟通 负责日常行政工作管理 进行仓库管理,打包工作 必要条件: 1. 年龄28岁以上 2. 有责任心,工作细致有耐心,心态积极乐观 3. 做事诚实可靠 4. 英文流利,能够流利沟通 5. 有建筑行业经验优先 6. 男士优先 7. 谦虚好学, 拥有持续进步的学习能力