Chatswood 信贷公司诚聘全职销售顾问 薪优最后更新时间:2017-8-23 17:14 325人阅读
澳亚信贷位于Chatswood,我们的团队年轻富有活力,作为澳洲信贷行业发展最为迅速的华人贷款代理公司之一,业务快速增长,现诚意招聘如下岗位: 工作介绍 销售顾问(全职)(Consultant Sales) Requirements: - Proactively building referral partners and centre of influence relationships. - Building a client base and developing new revenue sources - Servicing the needs of the existing advice and corporate superannuation clients. - Identifying cross referral opportunities with the advice business. - Provide both product and strategic and debt structuring advice in the best interests of the client. Benefits: - Full training on mortgage broker and sales and one-on-one tutoring - Support from our professional paperwork team - A wide range of client resources and a variety of sales channels - Basic salary and attractive commission 有意者请发简历至 我们期待您的加入哦!