水果/蔬菜包裝,最后更新时间:2017-7-14 15:42 556人阅读
详细信息:We're hiring!!!
Packing Job For Girls and Boys We are at the moment receiving job application for packing job for Sydney (Silverwater and Flemington) 6 to 7 days a week, Morning, Afternoon and Evening Shift are available Please text your name in this contact number 0449749618 our Interview officer will keep in touch with you. 水果/蔬菜包裝,每天8-10小時,127-190per shift 夜班需要熬夜,但是不用戶外作業 在(Silverwater 和 Flemington) 請發姓名國籍到以下電話(中英皆可)0449749618,