新启航雅思英语教育中心 雅思培训 9分最后更新时间:2017-3-4 12:08 1344人阅读
详细信息:澳大利亚英文外教 – 雅思英文培训
NewStart IELTS and English College 新启航雅思英语教育中心 NewStart IELTS and English College 可以帮助中国留学生和即将移民澳洲的家庭子女顺利通过雅思考试,提供具有针对性的英文培训,以便学生可以尽快地进入大学课程或者可以尽快拿到移民所必须的英文分数。 我们的雅思培训老师经常去参加雅思考试(考试成绩都是在8.5到9分之间。接近满分!!!), 以便把最新的雅思考试内容传授给我们的学生, 让学生们更容易通过考试, 得到高分。 我们可以提供面对面或网上雅思英文培训,并提供专业的辅导和建议。 我们的培训课程包括英文听,说,词汇,写作和阅读理解。 NewStart IELTS and English College由陈老师Chris Chen创办。陈老师有华裔背景,出生于澳大利亚悉尼。2014年以优异成绩毕业于全澳连续20年第一名的精英中学,James Ruse Agricultural High School,并获得新南威尔士州州长Mike Baird,颁发的全科杰出成绩荣誉证书和州长亲笔签名贺信。并以该优异成绩顺利考入大学,医科在读。 陈老师在取得了多所补习培训学校的教学经验和成功创建了陳老師精英補習 Mr Chen Coaching后,又创建了NewStart IELTS and English College。陈老师可以根据您的具体情况每周提供面对面或者网上培训,全英文授课。 我们可以根据您的时间和需要量身定制,安排上课时间,以便在短期内达到预期的效果。 上课地点:澳大利亚悉尼Castle Hill 或 网上。 适合对象:留学生,在澳或在中国的学生。 联系人: Chris Chen 电话号码: 澳大利亚 0470 037 117 海外61 470 037 117(英文) 澳大利亚 0416 084 078 海外61 416 084 078(中文) 电子邮箱: newstart.college1@gmail.com 微信: Johnchen3878 (加微信时, 请注明 雅思英文) NewStart IELTS and English College Hi, if you are looking for IELTS tutoring, you have come to the right place. My name is Christopher Chen and I am a Co-director at NewStart IELTS and English College. We specialise in IELTS tuition and provide high quality 1-on-1 and group classes. Many IELTS tutors are just regular Australian residents who do not have the skills to provide quality tuition. We on the other hand, have graduated from some of the top high schools such as James Ruse Agricultural High School, the best High School in Australia (as per NAPLAN results). Our teachers are currently studying highly competitive courses such as Medicine and Physiotherapy at university. For several years we have tutored and helped many students achieve their goals in the IELTS test. After much analysis and research, we have created a sophisticated learning program. It focuses on all parts of the IELTS exam and fully prepares you for the actual test. This program has helped many students achieve scores in the top bands in all sections of the IELTS test. These students have gone on to use these fantastic scores to help them enter a career, receive entry into University and even gain residency. Here at NewStart, we have amazing teachers who have helped students to achieve their goals! They have spent countless hours studying for the IELTS exam and have personally achieved very high scores themselves. Also, they have a combined total of over a thousand hours of teaching experience so they will definitely know how to explain everything and answer all your questions. So if you want to ace your upcoming IELTS test, contact us at 0470 037 117 or at newstart.college1@gmail.com to ask us about our 1-on-1 and group classes.