潜能激发-成功学讲座Thrive - Parramatta最后更新时间:2017-3-3 23:47 628人阅读
https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/thrive-success-valued-297-only-70-tickets-32014421998?aff=erelexpmlt 你将会获得以下知识和技能: 如何达成你心中理想 信念和价值 七个成功的习惯 成功的心态 怎样制造和捕捉机会 地址: ICE - Information Cultural Exchange Building 8 Victoria Road Parramatta, NSW 2124 -------------------------------------------------------- Join this amazing event with Coach, Trainer & Motivational Speaker Gez Perez at this live workshop event. Learn how you can Thrive to Success, take control of your life, discover valuable principles of skill sets and mindset of high performing achievers which will allow you to influence and excel in life. Get ready to be empowered and inspired. What you will learn Turn your passion into success Power of beliefs & values 7 Steps to creating successful habits Champion mindset for success How to position yourself in the right place for opportunities Much, much, much more..... Who is this for? You want more motivation, energy and passion in your life You want to take your life to the next level You are hungry for personal growth and development You want clarity and direction in your career, business, health and personal life You want to thrive in everything you do for success You want to make a difference You want to be the best version of yourself If this describes you, I encourage you to come and be part of this awesome workshop! Meet Your Coach: GEZ PEREZ Gez Perez is passionate about empowering people to take charge of their lives and take it to the next level so they can achieve personal success. His passion is to inspire people so they can achieve and unlock their true potential for greatness. He truly believes that every individual can have a purpose driven life which enables them to take action, execute their goals with excellence and live and breathe out their dreams Gez Perez's calling is dedicated to inspiring and empowering individuals to be a champion and succeed in life. For the past decade, Gez has worked with market leading corporate companies in and around Australia.He has a strong background in Communications, Client Services, Project Management and the IT Industry. He has partnered with world renowned organisations such as Vodafone, Macquarie Bank, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Zurich and Suncorp. His focus is to serve and bring greater value by making a difference and creating a transformation in people, teams and organisations Gez Perez will share with you values, principles and insights How he turn his life around with insightful success strategies How he found his inner passion to taking action How he became happy, striding for success and thriving in life. I believe your time is right now to Thrive to Success in a greater level. Take the opportunity and join Gez to be inspired, challenged and empowered.