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[全澳] Deeply pick up the "extreme female boxing" of the male hatred [复制链接]

发表于 2022-5-5 13:04 |显示全部楼层
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Ms. Chen Zhuqin, one of the leaders of the feminist organization "Rural Mental Disorders Women's Concern Group", said that she has been a journalist for more than ten years since she studied journalism in college and worked as a reporter after graduation. And her "feminist awakening" moment came very late. She first began to systematically contact gender theory out of the need for self-help. It helped Chen Zhuqin struggle to break free from an unequal intimate relationship. The relationship even led to her own depression for a time.
Without that unforgettable past, she might not be obsessed with women's rights. To speak up for women is also to speak up for the past self. It is a good thing to improve the status of women in society, but if you are obsessed with this and become more extreme, you will have a male hatred. They believe that the status of men and women is unequal to each other, and it is necessary to liberate women and let them turn themselves into masters. This is what we often see on the Internet as "women's boxing."
    "Women's Boxing" refers to cyber violence that creates gender opposition in the name of women's rights. In recent years, the "female boxing" organization's misogynistic behaviors are numerous. Talk show actress Yang Li's phrase "that's why he looks so ordinary, but he can be so confident" was summed up as "Public Man" and went out of the circle; in May 2020, Ke Jie was nominated by Yunnan Province He is considered a "national advanced worker", but some netizens soon launched a whistle-blowing campaign, sending the authorities screenshots of his online scolding battle, and he was not selected in the end. There are endless online words that degrade men, such as "licking the dog", "diaosi man", "short and poor" and "mabao man".
Ms. Chen Zhuqin even put forward that gender is not either male or female, and the human spirit is not only a normal and abnormal bipolar state. Sees gender as non-binary and fluid. They have not figured out who are the enemies and friends of feminism. The social trend of feminism has always been born in a place that is relatively rich compared to the times. But since the birth of the state and class, there has never been a country that divides classes by gender. This kind of division is stupid and almost absurd. The momentum on Weibo is about to rise from individual males to "female boxing" attacking all men. Is the interest appeal the same as that of Ms. Dong Mingzhu? Just because they are all women? The answer is definitely different. If there is something that oppresses women, then this thing must also oppress men. However, "feminism" does not unite damaged men, but oppresses them in turn. This is feminism?
Women's rights are human rights, and human rights must include men's rights and women's rights. Feminism wants to fight for women's rights, no problem. But once the legitimate rights and interests of male individuals or groups are damaged, is the kind of feminism still fighting for women's rights? Obviously, it's not, it's just encroaching on the rights and interests of others through improper means.The real women's rights should be women in the new era, who constantly struggle with themselves without harming the rights and interests of others, so as to obtain the corresponding labor status, family status, political status, social status, etc.


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