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[其他] 读Adelaide大学的两年制Master of Accounting & Finance能移民吗? [复制链接]

发表于 2007-9-26 01:28 |显示全部楼层
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这个是阿大的Master of Accounting & Finance说明



The Master of Accounting & Finance offers a combination of accounting and finance studies in order to enhance career prospects and extend knowledge of both disciplines. Students choose either accounting or finance as their primary discipline, and undertake supplementary courses in the other discipline.

For candidates choosing the accounting specialisation as their primary discipline, the program aims to develop them for a professional accounting career with accreditation to proceed to the professional programs of CPA Australia. The study of accounting is supplemented with a finance specialisation that strengthens graduates' employability in the areas of financial management in both the corporate environment and government organisations.

Professional Recognition**
Graduates of the Master of Accounting and Finance who choose the accounting specialisation as their primary discipline meet the academic requirements for admission to the CPA program of CPA Australia (provided they complete the five Accounting courses listed under the Master of Accounting and Finance Study Pathway).

The program also covers a substantial part of the body of knowledge for those wanting to proceed with professional studies offered by the Chartered Financial Analyst Institute (www.cfainstitute.org) as well as being on the ASIC registry as ps146 compliant for several specialised fields of finance (www.asic.gov.au).

The expected duration of the program is 2 years of full-time study (4 semesters) with intakes in February and July. Australian students may choose to undertake the program part-time.

Master of Accounting and Finance Program Structure
Four Foundation courses (12 units):
Accounting Concepts and Methods (M)
Economic Principles (M)
Principles of Finance (M)
Quantitative Methods (M)

Four Electives (12 units):
Students choose two accounting courses or two applied finance courses plus two electives chosen from the list of commerce courses*.

* Unless exempted, all international students are required to undertake Business Communications (M) which must be presented in lieu of an elective.  Four Accounting courses (12 units) chosen from**:
Commercial Law and Information Systems (M)
Intermediate Financial Reporting (M)
Corporate Law (M)
Advanced Financial Accounting (M)
Management Accounting (M)

Four Applied Finance courses (12 units):
Equity Valuation and Analysis (M)
Fixed Income Securities (M)
Options, Futures and Risk Management (M)
Portfolio Theory and Management (M)


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