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· 入门烘焙一周年:说说发酵那点事儿――凝凝的天然酵种养育日记(sourdough与老面) (2011-6-8) feicunzic · 迟到的年夜饭 - 南北大厨大碰撞 (2010-2-15) 老陶

还是学英语吧 [复制链接]

发表于 2020-2-18 10:15 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 tina50 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 tina50 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
The United Nations' Food and Agricultural Organisation say swarms have been seen as far away as Oman in the Gulf.

The United Nations' Food and Agricultural Organisation say some swarms have been sighted as far away as Yemen and Oman in the Gulf.

The United Nations' Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) report that some swarms have been sighted as far afield as Yemen and Oman in the Gulf.

。。。 。。。

say - report
swarms - some swarms
have been seen - have been sighted
as far away - as far afield


发表于 2020-2-18 10:44 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 tina50 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 tina50 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
It is the worst locust invasion in 70 years. Some say it is like a scene from the Bible.
It is the worst locust invasion in 70 years. Some say it is nearing a Biblical scale.
It is the worst locust invasion in 70 years and some say it is reaching Biblical proportions.
。。。 。。。

it is like a scene from the Bible - it is nearing a Biblical scal - it is reaching Biblical proportions

发表于 2020-2-18 11:07 来自手机 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 一条大鱼 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 一条大鱼 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整


参与人数 1积分 +5 收起 理由
tina50 + 5 感谢分享


发表于 2020-2-18 11:11 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 tina50 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 tina50 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
一条大鱼 发表于 2020-2-18 12:07


发表于 2020-2-18 14:11 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 tina50 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 tina50 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

Mother Language Day

Did you know that every two weeks one of the world's languages disappears? That's one of the reasons why UNESCO set up International Mother Language Day which is on the 21st of February. It's about celebrating the languages of the world and encouraging us to protect them.

UNESCO : United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

发表于 2020-2-18 14:16 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 tina50 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 tina50 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

Did you know there are more than 6,500 languages spoken around the world?

The most commonly spoken language in the world is Mandarin, with nearly 1 billion speakers. Whaaatttt? Second on the list is Espanol, or Spanish with roughly 390 million speakers and English comes in a close third with about 365 million speakers.

发表于 2020-2-18 14:34 来自手机 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 cbacba 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 cbacba 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
tina50 发表于 2020-2-4 16:38

1. China is telling people not to panic. The Chinese New Year is n ...



参与人数 1积分 +2 收起 理由
tina50 + 2 感谢分享


发表于 2020-2-18 14:57 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 tina50 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 tina50 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
cbacba 发表于 2020-2-18 15:34



参与人数 1积分 +6 收起 理由
bigcrow + 6 臨淵羨魚,不如退而結網。


发表于 2020-2-18 15:53 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 bigcrow 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 bigcrow 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
tina50 发表于 2020-2-18 11:44
It is the worst locust invasion in 70 years. Some say it is like a scene from the Bible.
It is the w ...

Exodus 10         English Standard Version (ESV)
出埃及记(十)   英语标准版(ESV)  
The Eighth Plague: Locusts
And the Lord turned the wind into a very strong west wind, which lifted the locusts and drove them into the Red Sea. Not a single locust was left in all the country of Egypt.


参与人数 1积分 +5 收起 理由
tina50 + 5 感谢分享


发表于 2020-2-18 15:57 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 bigcrow 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 bigcrow 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
tina50 发表于 2020-2-18 15:57



参与人数 1积分 +5 收起 理由
tina50 + 5 你太有才了


发表于 2020-2-18 16:32 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 tina50 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 tina50 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
bigcrow 发表于 2020-2-18 16:53
Exodus 10         English Standard Version (ESV)
出埃及记(十)   英语标准版(ESV)  
The Eighth Plag ...


发表于 2020-2-18 16:35 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 tina50 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 tina50 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
bigcrow 发表于 2020-2-18 16:57
按版主现阶段学习势头,俺对版主的期待就比较高,俺期待版主能用英语打官司。 ...


发表于 2020-2-18 21:12 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 tina50 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 tina50 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
Is there life on other planets? Are we alone? These are two of the biggest questions humans have been asking for centuries. Now, scientists have launched a new search to find out if there is... anybody... out there. The researchers are from the SETI Institute in California. SETI stands for Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. The mission of SETI is, "to explore, understand and explain the origin and nature of life in the universe and the evolution of intelligence". SETI scientists will use new technologies to scan the heavens for signs of alien life. They will share their data with the public. SETI hopes that by sharing data, "citizen scientists" could spot things missed by scientists.

。。。 。。。

Is there life in space? Are we alone? We have asked these questions for centuries. Scientists are trying to find out if anybody is out there. The researchers are from SETI (the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence). Its mission is, "to understand and explain the origin...of life...and the evolution of intelligence". Scientists will scan the sky for signs of alien life. "Citizen scientists" will use the data to spot things missed by scientists.

发表于 2020-2-19 09:02 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 tina50 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 tina50 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
Is there life on other planets? Are we alone? These are two of the biggest questions humans have been asking for centuries.

these: part of speech - pronoun
In this sentence, these = Is there life on other planets? Are we alone?
humans have been asking for centuries = (that) humans have been asking for centuries

Present perfect continuous tense:  which is used to show that an action started in the past and has continued up to the present moment.


参与人数 1积分 +3 收起 理由
bigcrow + 3 感谢分享


发表于 2020-2-19 12:32 |显示全部楼层