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社区动态 今日: 0|主题: 559

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[VIC/TAS] 墨尔本印度电影节将于8月27日夜晚举行闭幕仪式 attach_img tina50 2015-8-24 07:48 44556 tina50 2015-8-24 21:15
[NSW] Frolic in the Forecourt - Maria Wang (Traditional Chinese Harp performance) tina50 2015-8-10 07:15 24499 mifeng 2015-8-24 11:35
[VIC/TAS] 白马交响乐队8月29日在墨尔本MLC的礼堂演出 agree violinlearner 2015-8-12 16:17 74757 夏乐猫 2015-8-17 23:18
[NSW] 山区的同学注意了 --- Temporary Roundabouts to be Installed on Samantha Riley Drive attach_img tina50 2015-4-11 07:15 74694 maggie888 2015-8-17 22:49
[NSW] 山区活动---One-2-One eBooks, eMagazines and apps attach_img tina50 2015-8-4 08:19 14065 tina50 2015-8-5 21:07
[NSW] 周五上午开始有免费英文课,为期10周 agree  ...234 飞儿 2010-8-30 20:49 10917835 xiaobaoluo 2015-8-1 19:55
[NSW] Common sense needed for apartment proposals--------Weekly Mayor's Message - Clr attach_img tina50 2015-7-24 07:54 14114 tina50 2015-7-28 08:12
[NSW] 共庆悉尼-中国商业良缘三十载 attach_img tina50 2015-7-24 07:48 14069 tina50 2015-7-24 07:50
[VIC/TAS] 墨纳什社区 Study on Food & Eating attach_img tina50 2015-7-22 07:29 14466 tina50 2015-7-24 07:46
[NSW] 免费太极课 agree TCFA 2015-4-21 16:34 125551 绿绿 2015-7-23 16:59
[NSW] 2015年缤纷悉尼灯光音乐节 attach_img tina50 2015-5-25 05:49 135114 tdk 2015-7-23 15:31
[VIC/TAS] 莫那时社区活动 --- barefoot bowls day attach_img tina50 2015-5-10 09:20 64699 tdk 2015-7-23 15:30
[VIC/TAS] Glen Waverley Shopping Centre捐旧衣服换$10 Giftcard agree beautifulfoot 2015-7-20 21:52 95351 yky539 2015-7-23 13:04
[VIC/TAS] 墨纳什社区 National Tree Day attach_img agree tina50 2015-7-22 07:22 74994 tina50 2015-7-22 09:05
[NSW] deleted agree 小桥流水ing 2015-7-15 10:45 14120 tina50 2015-7-22 07:35
[NSW] Thanks For Protecting Our Shire --- 在消防员的岗位上48年 attach_img tina50 2015-7-15 07:26 14260 tina50 2015-7-15 07:26
[NSW] 悉尼市政府中国农历新年发展新趋向 attach_img tina50 2015-7-13 06:41 64394 aulaoda 2015-7-14 18:08
[NSW] 关于山区kellyville的---Missing Link Close To Completion At Smalls Creek attach_img agree tina50 2015-7-13 06:57 75004 tina50 2015-7-13 07:51
[全澳] 主流社区重视华人: 每周六将会有华人的声音在墨尔本市中心圣保罗大座堂响起 attach_img agree Lavenderman 2015-7-1 15:10 74755 Lavenderman 2015-7-8 21:04
[VIC/TAS] 【墨远东】Knox地区房市火热 陈叁 2015-5-7 12:00 44720 yxh66 2015-7-2 15:18
[NSW] 悉尼市内绿色广场地区将安设一流防洪排水系统 tina50 2015-6-29 11:25 14682 tina50 2015-6-29 11:51
[NSW] Free comedy show makes school holidays fun attach_img tina50 2015-6-29 11:46 14363 tina50 2015-6-29 11:46
[VIC/TAS] 墨市华人的好消息 attach_img agree nana09 2015-6-6 23:40 75080 nana09 2015-6-27 20:57
[NSW] Get Crafty - Vinegar Hill attach_img tina50 2015-6-19 07:09 24566 tina50 2015-6-19 08:33
[NSW] 悉尼市政府免费为小朋友提供骑行课程 --- 活动仍在继续 attach_img agree tina50 2015-4-14 07:37 75005 樱桃芝芝 2015-6-16 17:27
[NSW] 住山区的同学注意了,Child Care and Medical Centre Move In To Council Complex attach_img tina50 2015-6-14 08:17 14534 tina50 2015-6-14 16:48
[VIC/TAS] 墨尔本NOTTING HILL 社区自我防卫课程 agree janine 2013-7-20 09:06 11787 littlebb 2015-6-9 11:07
[VIC/TAS] 【墨远东】Ringwood游泳馆八月开门迎客 agree 陈叁 2015-5-4 12:26 46618 puzzler 2015-6-4 16:34
[VIC/TAS] 華人子女教育公益講座- 關注的第一步 agree 狂奔的小土豆 2015-5-18 11:02 24256 mikelee19 2015-5-28 23:01
[VIC/TAS] 華人子女教育公益講座-幼年子女身體健康 agree 狂奔的小土豆 2015-5-18 11:04 13958 tina50 2015-5-19 15:38
[VIC/TAS] Frankston地区的活动--- ---Poetry Workshop 诗社 attach_img tina50 2015-5-18 07:02 25200 raoliang0082 2015-5-18 09:56
[NSW] 悉尼市政府全新国际学生领袖形象大使出炉 attach_img tina50 2015-5-10 09:32 44968 mikelee19 2015-5-17 15:34
[NSW] 这样的夜景灯你喜欢吗? attach_img tina50 2015-5-10 09:39 85010 lemonteawithice 2015-5-17 04:57
[VIC/TAS] 【墨远东】上周两套非常引人瞩目的物业被售出 陈叁 2015-5-6 11:41 34160 bt123123 2015-5-6 12:57
[NSW] Places of Commemoration Bus Tour - National Trust Heritage Festival tina50 2015-5-6 07:39 14219 tina50 2015-5-6 11:32
[VIC/TAS] 【墨远东】Boronia一户人家住房烧毁 陈叁 2015-5-5 11:15 44409 tina50 2015-5-5 14:23
[VIC/TAS] 【墨远东】警方破门而入救援独居老人 agree 陈叁 2015-5-5 11:34 44215 tina50 2015-5-5 14:18
[VIC/TAS] 讲故事了,小朋友喜欢的免费活动,Saturday Storytiming --- Glen Waverley libary attach_img tina50 2015-4-14 07:26 34086 tina50 2015-5-5 10:51
[VIC/TAS] 【墨远东】皇冠上的明珠?KNOX大宗地块将售,目标海外买家 agree 陈叁 2015-5-4 12:12 54351 stmimi 2015-5-5 08:18
[VIC/TAS] 【墨远东】Knox购物中心儿童游乐场自慰的男子上庭 agree 陈叁 2015-5-4 11:50 34549 又十年 2015-5-5 08:02


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