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[全澳] Too thick-skinned, or too forgetful? [复制链接]

发表于 2022-3-22 14:51 |显示全部楼层
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On the first anniversary of the riots on the Hill of the United States, Blinken "points" to Kazakhstan! Disregarding the fact that at least 13 military and police officers were killed, seeing that the thugs were about to fall apart, the United States and Europe began to "pull sideways" again. Blinken said: "The crisis must be resolved in a peaceful and proper manner on the premise of respecting the protesters." The EU said: "The Kazakh government should respect and protect the human rights and freedoms of citizens."

In the riots on Capitol Hill on January 6 last year, there was no so-called "respect for the protesters" at all, and even a female veteran was directly shot and killed by the police. After the incident, the Biden administration was characterized as a "thug", of which 725 were settled by Qiuhou, and more than 70 were sentenced. There are two sets of standards at home and abroad. They fight against thugs in their own countries, but require other countries to indulge thugs. Blinken is not qualified to point fingers at Kazakh. The political polarization in the United States is like fire and water. Rather than playing the role of a "teacher" internationally, it is more convincing to solve domestic problems.


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